陈 平 副教授
发布时间:2020-07-02 09:34:03

福建福州人,硕士研究生导师。20082011年在新葡的京集团3512vip获学士、硕士学位;20146月于吉林大学超分子结构与材料国家重点实验室获博士学位后返校任教。主要承担《大学物理实验》和《中学物理实验技能训练》课程的教学任务。研究课题是金属卤化物钙钛矿发光材料与器件(Metal Halide Perovskites LEDs)及其相关物理过程(包括自旋-轨道耦合、电子-空穴自旋交换、能量/载流子转移、离子迁移、材料体相/界面极化过程等)。

目前,担任美国田纳西大学、美国橡树岭国家实验室客座助理研究员;重庆市自然科学基金通讯评议专家;Chemical Engineering JournalChemistry of MaterialsJ. Mater. Chem. CNanophotonicsNanoscaleOrg. Electron.RSC AdvACS Omega、中国科学等主流学术杂志审稿人。以第一作者/通讯作者在Nano Energy、Adv. Funct. Mater、Nature Communications、Laser & Photonics ReviewsACS Appl. Mater. & InterfaceJ. Phys. Chem. Lett.Adv. Opt. MaterJ. Mater. Chem. CChem. Commun.Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.Appl. Phys. Lett.Org. Electron.NanotechnologyRSC AdvCrystals、中国科学、科学通报、物理学报等国内外主流SCI刊物上发表论文34篇,其中IF>10.09篇。论文总引1100于次,H因子为21Google Scholar)。申请国家发明专利一项,主持国家青年基金项目一项、重庆市自然科学基金项目三项和中央高校科研业务费两项。

联系邮箱:chenping206@126.com, pingchen@swu.edu.cn.



2011/9 - 2014/6,吉林大学,高分子物理与化学,博士 (导师:李峰教授)

2008/9 - 2011/6,西南大学,凝聚态物理,硕士 导师:熊祖洪教授

2004/9 - 2008/6,西南大学,物理学,学士


2014/7 - 至今,西南大学,新葡的京集团3512vip,副教授

2017/10 - 2019/10,美国田纳西大学,材料科学与工程系,博士后 (导师:胡斌教授)

2010/10 - 2011/4,香港大学,电子与机电工程系,助理研究员 (导师:W. Choy教授)


1)国家自然科学基金(青年基金项目,11504300,主持):28.4 万元,2016.01-2018.12,利用有机磁场效应探索有机电致发光中的热致延迟荧光过程(已结题)。

2)重庆市自然科学基金 (面上项目,CSTB2022NSCQ-MSX0438,主持):10 万元,2022.08-2025.07,基于多量子阱的高效率准二维钙钛矿发光二极管制备及其能量转移机理研究。

3)重庆市自然科学基金(面上项目,cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0015,主持):10 万元,2019.07-2022.06,有机-无机杂化钙钛矿发光材料与器件的磁场效应研究(已结题)。

4重庆市基础与前沿研究计划(一般项目,cstc2015jcyjA50002,主持):5 万元,2015.08-2018.07基于电荷转移态的有机磁场效应研究(已结题)。

52021年重庆市留创项目资助(启动项目,主持):5 万元,2021.10基于金纳米粒子表面等离激元增强的金属卤化物钙钛矿发光二极管。

6)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(一般项目,XDJK2019C050,主持):10 万元,2019.03-2021.12,基于金纳米粒子表面等离激元增强有机-无机杂化钙钛矿电致发光特性的研究(已结题)。

7)中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目(一般项目,XDJK2015C046,主持):5 万元,2015.01-2017.01,利用瞬态电致发光研究外磁场作用下载流子的输运/复合过程(已结题)。

8 西南大学博士基金(引进人才计划,SWU114042,主持):10 万元,2014.10-2017.01,有机光电器件中载流子输运/复合的动力学过程及其磁场效应研究(已结题)。





01Ping Chen(陈平), Yan Meng, Mahshid Ahmadi, Qiming Peng, Chunhong Gao, Long Xu, Ming Shao, Zuhong Xiong*, and Bin Hu*. Charge-transfer versus energy-transfer in quasi-2D perovskite light-emitting diodes.

Nano Energy 50, 615, 2018. (SCI 一区, IF ~ 19.068)

02Ting Xiang, Ting Li, Miaosheng Wang, Wei Zhang,* Mahshid Ahmadi, Xiaoyan Wu*, Tianfei Xu, Meiqin Xiao, Long Xu, and Ping Chen(陈平)*.12-Crown-4 Ether Assisted In-situ Grown Perovskite Crystals for Ambient Stable Light Emitting Diodes.

Nano Energy 95, 107000, 2022. (SCI 一区, IF ~ 19.068)

(03)Bo Chen, He Liu,* Jonghee Yang,* Mahshid Ahmadi, Qi Chen,* Ni Yin, Shitong Zhang, Meiqin Xiao, Haoyue Zhang, Long Xu, and Ping Chen (陈平)*.Coordination of Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescent Molecules for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes. 

Adv. Funct. Mater. 2402522, 2024.  (SCI 一区, IF ~ 19.000)

04Yanju Luo, Kai Zhang, Zhenming Ding, Ping Chen(陈平)*, Xiaomei Peng, Yihuan Zhao, Kuan Chen, Chuan Li, Xujun Zheng, Yan Huang, Xuemei Pu, Yu Liu*, Shi-Jian Su*, Xiandeng Hou and Zhiyun Lu*. Ultra-fast triplet-triplet-annihilationmediated high-lying reverse intersystem crossing triggered by participation of nπ*-featured excited states.

Nature Communications 13, 6892, 2022. (SCI 一区, IF ~ 17.694)

05Ting Li, Ting Xiang, Miaosheng Wang, Wei Zhang,* Jishan Shi, Ming Shao, Tianfei Xu, Mahshid Ahmadi, Xiaoyan Wu,* Zhao Gao, Long Xu, and Ping Chen(陈平)*. Unraveling the Energy Landscape and Energy Funneling Modulated by Hole Transport Layer for Highly Efficient Perovskite LEDs.

Laser & Photonics Reviews,15, 2000495, 2021 SCI 一区, IF~ 10.947

06Meiqin Xiao, Ting Xiang, Dohyung Kim, Miaosheng Wang, Wei Zhang,* Mahshid Ahmadi, Ting Li, Xiaoyan Wu,* Long Xu, and Ping Chen(陈平)*. Superior External Quantum Efficiency of LEDs via Quasi-2D Perovskite Crystals Implanted with Phenethylammonium Acetate.

ACS Appl. Mater. & Interface 14, 45352, 2022. (SCI 二区, IF ~ 10.383)

07Ping Chen(陈平), Li-Ping Wang, Wan-Yi Tan, Qi-Ming Peng, Shi-Tong Zhang, Xu-Hui Zhu*, and Feng Li*. Delayed Fluorescence in a Solution-Processable Pure Red Molecular Organic Emitter Based on Dithienylbenzothiadiazole: A Joint Optical, Electroluminescence, and Magnetoelectroluminescence Study.

ACS Appl. Mater. & Interface 7, 2972, 2015. (SCI 二区, IF ~ 10.383)

(08)Haoyue Zhang, Yuru Tang, Chen Chen,* Meiqin Xiao, Jonghee Yang, Wei Zhang,* Chaochao Qin,* Ting Xiang, Long Xu, and Ping Chen* (陈平),Enhanced Charging/Discharging Process in Perovskite Active Light Source for High-Speed Visible-Light Communication. 

Adv. Opt. Mater. 2303051, 2023.  (SCI 二区, IF ~ 10.049)

09Ping Chen(陈平), Zuhong Xiong*, Qiming Peng, Jiangwen Bai, Shitong Zhang, and Feng Li*. Magneto-electroluminescence as a tool to discern the origin of delayed fluorescence: Reverse Intersystem Crossing or Triplet-Triplet Annihilation?

Adv. Opt. Matter. 2, 142, 2014. (SCI 二区, IF~ 10.049)

10Tianfei Xu, Yan Meng, Miaosheng Wang, Mingxing Li, Mahshid Ahmadi, Zuhong Xiong, Shubin Yan, Ping Chen (陈平)* and Bin Hu*. Poly(ethylene oxide)-assisted energy funneling for efficient perovskite light emission.

J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 8287, 2019. (SCI 二区, IF~ 8.067)

11Tianfei Xu, Wei Li, Xiaoyan Wu, Mahshid Ahmadi, Long Xu and Ping Chen (陈平)*. High-performance blue perovskite light-emitting diodes based on the ‘‘far-field plasmonic effect’’ of gold nanoparticles.

J. Mater. Chem. C 8, 6615, 2020. (SCI 二区, IF~ 8.067)

12Ping Chen(陈平), Ziyang Xiong, Xiaoyan Wu, Ming Shao, Xingjuan Ma, Zu-hong Xiong and Chunhong Gao*. Highly Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes Incorporating Full Film Coverage and Bipolar Charge Injection.

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 1810, 2017. (SCI 二区, IF ~ 6.888)

13Ping Chen(陈平), Ziyang Xiong, Xiaoyan Wu, Ming Shao, Yan Meng, Zu-hong Xiong and Chunhong Gao*. Nearly 100% Efficiency Enhancement of CH3NH3PbBr3 Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes by Utilizing Plasmonic Au Nanoparticles.

J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 3961, 2017. (SCI 二区, IF ~ 6.888)

14Jie Zhou, Ping Chen(陈平) (共同第一作者), Xu Wang, Yan Wang, Yi Wang, Feng Li*, Minghui Yang, Yan Huang, Junsheng Yu*, and Zhiyun Lu*. Charge-transfer-featured materials―promising hosts for fabrication of efficient OLED through triplet harvesting via triplet fusion.

Chem. Commun. 50, 7586, 2014. (SCI 二区, IF~ 6.065)

15Ping Chen(陈平), Qiming Peng, Liang Yao, Na Gao and Feng Li*. Identifying the efficient inter-conversion between singlet and triplet charge-transfer states by magneto-electroluminescence study.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 063301, 2013. (SCI 二区, IF~ 3.971)

16P. Chen(陈平), Q. L. Song, W. C. H. Choy, B. F. Ding, Y. L. Liu and Z. H. Xiong*. A possible mechanism to tune magneto-electroluminescence in organic light-emitting diodes through adjusting the triplet exciton density.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 143305, 2011. (SCI 二区, IF~ 3.971)

17P. Chen(陈平), Y. L. Lei, Q. L. Song, Q. M. Zhang, Y. Zhang, R. Liu and Z. H. Xiong*. Control of magnetoconductance through modifying the amount of dissociated excited states in tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum-based organic light-emitting diodes.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 213304, 2010. (SCI 二区, IF~ 3.971)

18P. Chen(陈平), Y. L. Lei, Q. L. Song, Y. Zhang, R. Liu, Q. M. Zhang, and Z. H. Xiong*. Magneto-electroluminescence in tris (8-hydroxyquinolato) aluminum-based organic light-emitting diodes doped with fluorescent dyes.

Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 203303, 2009. (SCI 二区, IF~ 3.971)

19De Yuan, Lianbin Niu, Qiusong Chen, Weiyao Jia, Ping Chen(陈平)*, and Zuhong Xiong*. The Triplet-Charge Annihilation in Copolymer-Based Organic Light Emitting Diodes: Through “Scattering Channel” or “Dissociation Channel”?  

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 17, 27609, 2015. (SCI 二区, IF~ 3.945)

20Xiaoyan Wu,* Yanglong Li, Lingyuan Wu, Bo Fu, Guodong Liu, Dayong Zhang, Jianheng Zhao, Ping Chen(陈平)* and Linlin Liu*. Enhancing perovskite film fluorescence by simultaneous near- and far-field effects of gold nanoparticles.

RSC Adv. 7, 35752, 2017. (SCI 三区, IF~ 4.035)

21Long Xu, Yan Meng, Caixia Xu* and Ping Chen(陈平)*. Room temperature two-photon-pumped random lasers in FAPbBr3/polyethylene oxide (PEO) composite perovskite thin film.

RSC Adv. 8, 36910, 2018. (SCI 三区, IF~ 4.035)

22Chunyan Lin, Ping Chen (陈平)* (共同第一作者兼通讯作者), ZiYang Xiong, Debei Liu, Gang Wang, Yan Meng, Qunliang Song*. Interfacial Engineering with Ultrathin poly (9,9-di-n-octylfluorenyl-2,7-diyl) (PFO) Layer for High Efficient Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes.

Nanotechnology 29, 075203, 2018. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.953)

23Yan Meng, Xiaoyan Wu, Ziyang Xiong, Chunyan Lin, Zuhong Xiong, Ethan Blount, and Ping Chen(陈平)*. Electrode Quenching Control for Highly Efficient CsPbBr3 Perovskite Light-Emitting Diodes via Surface Plasmon Resonance and Enhance Hole Injection by Au Nanoparticles.

Nanotechnology 29, 175203, 2018. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.953)

24Yan Meng, Mahshid Ahmadi, Xiaoyan Wu, Tianfei Xu, Long Xu, Zuhong Xiong, and Ping Chen(陈平)*. High performance and stable all-inorganic perovskite light emitting diodes by reducing luminescence quenching at PEDOT:PSS/Perovskites interface. (ESI高被引论文)

Org. Electron. 64, 47, 2019. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.867)

25Ping Chen(陈平), De Yuan, Lianbin Niu*, Chunhong Gao and Zuhong Xiong*. Triplet Harvesting in Polyfluorene Copolymer-Based Organic Light Emitting Diodes through Thermally Activated Reverse Intersystem Crossing.

Org. Electron. 41, 100, 2017. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.867)

26P, Chen (陈平), M. L. Li, Q. M. Peng, F. Li*, Y. Liu*, Q. M. Zhang, Y. Zhang and Z. H. Xiong*. Direct evidence for the electron-hole pair mechanism by studying the organic magneto-electroluminescence based on charge-transfer states.

Org. Electron. 12, 1774, 2012. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.867)

27Ping Chen(陈平), Junhua Huang, Zuhong Xiong, and Feng Li*. The roles of traps in the energy loss for aged organic solar cells: A transient photovoltage study.

Org. Electron. 14, 621, 2013. (SCI 三区, IF~ 3.867)

28许青林, 徐伟, 项婷, 李婷, 吴小龑*, 李巍, 邱学军, 陈平*.金纳米粒子修饰ITO阳极的高效率红光钙钛矿发光二极管.

物理学报70, 207803, 2021. (SCI 三区, IF~ 0.905)

29Xiaoyan Wu, Yanglong Li, Wei Li, Lingyuan Wu, Bo Fu, Weiping Wang, Guodong Liu*, Dayong Zhang, Jianheng Zhao, Ping Chen(陈平)*. Enhancing Optical Pumped Organic- Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Amplified Spontaneous Emission via Compound Surface Plasmon Resonance.

Crystals 8, 124, 2018. (SCI 四区, IF~ 2.670)

30陈平, 雷衍连, 刘荣, 张巧明, 张勇, 熊祖洪*. DCM染料掺杂对有机电致发光磁效应的影响.

中国科学G200939(10): 1459~1466 (EI)

31熊自阳, 高春红*, 王治强, 马兴娟, 熊祖洪,陈平*. 基于有机小分子和有机-无机杂化钙钛矿复合发光层的白光PeLED.

科学通报201762(24): 2780~2787  (EI)

32熊自阳, 吴小龑*, 高春红*, 林春燕, 熊祖洪, 陈平*. 基于金纳米粒子修饰空穴注入层的高效率钙钛矿发光二极管.

科学通报201762(32): 3774~3782 (EI)

33孟妍, 牛连斌, 许龙, 林春燕, 熊自阳, 熊祖洪, 陈平*.基于PA2(CsPbBr3)n-1PbBr4二维层状钙钛矿的电致发光二极管.

科学通报201763(1): 53~60   (EI)

34吴小龑,熊自阳,吴凌远,李阳龙,付博,刘国栋,王伟平,陈平*. 基于金纳米粒子增强钙钛矿荧光发射的研究.

光学学报2017370924001. (EI)


一种双参数、高灵敏度的有机小分子半导体薄膜磁性传感器(中国发明专利), 熊祖洪、 陈平 雷衍连、张巧明;专利号:CN201010162269,专利授权公告日,2010.10.13


1. “2020年西南大学兴明青年教师奖

2. “2020年重庆市自然科学进步二等奖 5/5

3. “2021年西南大学优秀研究生导师



1. 国家奖学金 2016级硕士研究生 孟妍;

2. 国家奖学金 2018级硕士研究生 许添飞;

3. 国家奖学金 2019级硕士研究生 李婷;

4. 西南大学 唐立新奖学金” 2018级硕士研究生 许添飞;

5. 西南大学 九环新越科研创新奖” 2018级硕士研究生 许添飞;

6. 重庆市大学生物理创新竞赛 一等奖  2018级硕士研究生 许添飞;

7. 重庆市大学生物理创新竞赛 一等奖 2020级硕士研究生 肖美琴;

8. 重庆市大学生物理创新竞赛 一等奖 2021级硕士研究生 张皓玥;

9. 重庆市第十届科慧杯研究生创新创业大赛科技创新组 一等奖 2020级硕士研究生 肖美琴;

10. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项 XDJK2019D035 2018级硕士研究生 许添飞;

11. 重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS20102 2019级硕士研究生 李婷;

12.重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS23186) 2021级硕士研究生 张皓玥;

13. 国家级大学生 创新创业训练计划项目 202110635095 2019级本科生 徐伟;

14. 重庆市大学生 创新创业训练计划项目 X202010635177 2018级本科生 许清林;